
the automatic link building system

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  • Twitter: seoslaves
  • YouTube: seoslaves

Reach the TOP 10 in search engines FOR FREE!

SeoSlave is a groundbreaking new service, which was developed to revolutionize the link building of web sites. With our static & permanent link system you improve the ranking of your desired "keywords" in search engines, as well as the Pagerank™ of your pages.
You can use our link exchange service for free ( webmaster ) or buy valuable links at a very reasonable price ( advertiser ).


Please also visit our new free fanSlave exchange. There you can exchange Facebook fans free of charge. Furthermore, you can buy Facebook fans at very reasonable prices.

Available sites:
Pagerank™ Available
0 11640
1 2760
2 1640
3 622
4 108
5 46
6 32
7 2
8 56
9 12

Registered Users: 2148492

offer / exchange links
  • links
  • Free of charge
    Get hundreds of valuable free PageRank™ - Links in return for displaying links on your site.
  • Simple
    Easy code integration as a "copy & paste" for php, cgi, wordpress and joomla. The link insertion is fully automatic.
  • No "normal" Link Exchange
    In recent link exchange systems, users get links from pages on which you create yourself a link. This type of reciprocal linking has no value, if you want to improve the ranking of your site in search engines. In you get none reciprocal links from topic-related high-PageRank™ - pages.
  • Automated
    Text links are automatically sold to advertisers and  you will have no further effort  after a single installation of the code. Our system includes an automatic calculation of the links, depending on the PageRank™, the category, the language and the link popularity.
  • Security
    Our system is secure and confidential, there is no public user lists. All negotiations take place discreetly and anonymously. The system automatically checks for all domains on Google™ penalties and rules out the risky pages.
  • Control
    Regardless of the automatism, you can choose what text links may appear on your pages. Unwanted text links can be deleted at any time.
Buy Links

Links kaufen

With SeoSlave you have the option to buy cheap links. The links are genuine backlinks without tracking link or similar. The links are recognized by search engines as valid backlinks. You will only receive links from quality sites. The price per link is calculated by SeoSlave automatically. You have no risk, since each link can be terminated by you every day. For example, if you delete a link for a day, you pay only for this one day.

get links


  • Top Ranking
    Improve your website ranking in Google™, Yahoo™, and Bing™ with SEO
  • Low expenditure
    Our backlink prices are extremely cheap and are determined automatically. You always have an up to date overview on the exact statement.
  • Systematic backlink building
    Our intelligent algorithm will place your text links by considering various factors on topic-related web pages of high quality.
  • Flexible configuration
    Our software offers many custom settings and possibilities of the text link names. On the text link overview you can always delete unwanted links.
  • Protection against manipulation
    All text links are checked daily by our system to various factors, and presence.
  • Control
    You have full control over your budget, your campaigns and the advertising texts.
  • Easy payment
    You can easily pay by PayPal™, moneybookers or pay with your income as a webmaster.
Ranking Monitoring
SeoSlave started for all users a free ranking monitoring for campaign keywords. You can start the graphical analysis with the button Auswertung . The ranking is updated automatically every three days. You own therefore a full, free and graphical analysis tool of all your keywords!



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